Enviro 8 System New Features
Geotech is proud to introduce Enviro Data 8 and Enviro Spase 8! If you are familiar with Enviro Data and Enviro Spase, you know the time savings and quality improvements from implementing a structured environmental database management system. If you aren’t familiar with this software, Enviro Data stores and displays environmental quality data, such as field and laboratory data for water and soil. Enviro Spase runs within ArcGIS, and helps you display your environmental data on GIS maps. And now this powerful system is easier and more affordable than ever!
Here are just a few of the updated features in Enviro Data & Enviro Spase.
Enviro Data 8D June 2024
- New Tables and Fields.
- Station-Specific Reg Limits.
- Searchable FAQs (Frequently asked questions) on our website.
- Azure Virtual Desktop schema.
- New Parameter Groups and Station Groups Screens – easier editing and filtering.
- Enviro Data program files are now in the current Microsoft 365 Access .ACCDB format.
- Import Wizard – new option and help screen for creating and running customs queries, viewing data.
- New Data Validation Features and Reports.
- New Edit Parameter Units screen.
- New Edit Holding Times screen.
- Holding Times Import from Excel.
- Analytic Methods
- New Analytic Methods / Validation Criteria Import from Excel.
- Validation criteria options on Edit Analytic Methods screen makes setup for data validation easier.
- New Crosstab Export Options
- User-defined text representing “not measured”, "reg limit not established”, etc.
- Function for additional highlighting results not associated with reg limits.
- Display text information on specific reg using the RegLimitNotes field.
- New Global Settings Database - Save Select Data screen defaults selections and other information in a shared library database available to all users.
- Saved Select Data Screen Default Selections – uses global settings database.
- New Access Graphs and Table reports.
- Ion balance Excel Export.
- Total/Dissolved Metals Comparison Excel Export.
Enviro Data 8C April 2022
- Lab MSA utility
- FUDSCHEM / SEDD XML import and export updated to SEDD 5.2 2a specification.
- New data validation module feature - compare detection limits to regulatory limits and flag exceedances
- Simplified value and flag options selection
- Calculated Reg Limits
- Query Catalog / Custom Query Builder – Editor and Viewer
- Analytic Method Alias
- North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Import/Export format
- Conditional Regulatory Limits – Reg Limit Details
- SQL Connections Library helps manage connections for multiple OBBC databases and Enviro Data Users from a shared ODBC library database
- EPA / States Exports Selection Form
- EPA Region 4 Field Chemistry Format
- EPA Region 5 Basic Submittal Group (new export)
- NJDEP Hazsite Format (updated)
- North Carolina DEQ Solid Waste Format (new export)
- NYSDEC Export
- Carlson Coordinate Conversion Import
- EPA Region 5 Basic Export
- Run Queries form – Editor
- Analysis Trend Excel Report
- The crosstab export permits selection from multiple customizable crosstab templates. – Display Site/Station Name, Logos
- New crosstab options – on form
- Custom symbols and colors on graphs
- Revised Display options screen
- Display Options - Run Custom Functions from Viewer
- Excel Comparison Summary Report
- Excel Scatter Plot Exports
- Detailed Station Photo Report
Enviro Data 8A & 8B 2019
- Both 32- and 64-bit Office compatibility
- Updated Editor and Viewer menu screens for easier navigation through the programs features
- New web-based getting started guide, rewritten user documentation and FAQs
- Updated tutorial and tour
- New option to E-mail for help on menu screens
- Expanded field size for parameter names and other fields
- Main Menu removed to save steps
- Much faster import times
- Additional Fields for Samples and Analyses information in Enviro Data 8 Data Transfer Standard
- Stations import has ability to assign stations to station groups
- Ability to assign data to validation projects through the Import Wizard
- Updated and expanded Validation module with more flexibility on flagging
- Multiple validation program setup capabilities, easier setup and data review, additional reporting
- New manual data entry utility with custom sample number generation options
- New NJ HazSite, ERPIMS lab file, FUDSCHEM, and other imports
- New “Disposal Data” utility and reports for removal projects
- New global “lookups library database” feature
- Much faster data retrieval and reporting
- Extremely fast Quick List feature for large data retrievals
- Additional result formatting and “Value and Flag” options
- New Crosstab Wizard statistics and formatting options (bold detected values, etc.)
- Now can display statistics on regulatory limit exceedances
- Customizable Excel templates for the Crosstab Wizard
- Enhanced on-screen graphing capabilities
- Enhanced hardness-dependent and pH-dependent calculated regulatory limit reporting
- New Excel Statistics exports
- More options for handling of non-detects
- More reg limit options such as text color, bold, underline, italics, superscripts
- Simplified Value and Flag formatting options by both lab and validation flags
- Ability to prioritize “Reporting Basis” output formats
- More flexible handling of number of decimals
- New Access graph reports
- New graph exports - percentile and frequency plots, scatter plots with comparisons to regulatory limits
- New “Summary of Fractions” export to Excel with comparison to regulatory limits
- New ERPIMS lab file, FUDSCHEM, MRR, and PARCView exports
- New regulatory limit export to Enviro Spase with multiple reg limit colors, bolding, etc.
Enviro Spase 8
- Rewritten in .NET for Arc 10.5 and up
- Now registered as a standard extension
- More options for regulatory limit display
- Greatly enhanced error trapping for problem data
- Full logging system to help with troubleshooting, especially data problems
- Display of results showing multiple regulatory limit exceedences
Contact Us
Phone: (877) 740-1999 or (303) 740-1999
EMail: info@geotech.com
© 1995- 2024 Geotech Computer Systems, Inc.
Header photos by Dave Rich